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Online Reputation Management

How do you or your company look to Nigerians online? Don't let internet search results kill the first great impression of your company. Online Rep Management ensures that new clients, business partners, and customers find only positive and neutral content about you on a search.

What We Can Do for You

At Eloquent Touch, We use a range of sophisticated Online Reputation Management systems and techniques to monitor your brand, business, competition, audiences and other communities online. We can help you respond swiftly to criticism, set up online brand monitoring to identify potential problems early and creative positive online content to support your brand or public profile as an individual. We provide individuals and businesses with the necessary tools to define their online image.


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See how We Can Help

Our focus is entirely on long-term, sustainable content publishing and promotion. We believe the only way to help you control those search results for your brand is to publish content on high-end websites people read, and rank well in Google. Our connections to journalists, bloggers, and site owners makes this holistic approach possible.

Simply put – we do not practice short term, automated tactics to manipulate the search engines. We do it the hard way, because we think that's what will serve you best.